CPA Professional Liability Plan Inc.  



Since 1975, your national Professional Liability Insurance Committee (PLIC) has consistently met your needs for competitive rates, knowledgeable service and loss prevention assistance. The members of this committee are nominated by the provincial or regional accounting association/ordre and are organized by CPA Canada. The committee's mandate is to oversee the provision of a stable, reasonable cost, professional liability insurance program that is available to Canadian and Bermudian Chartered Professional Accountants engaged in public practice and to ensure that participating members receive a high level of service from program’s administrator and the insuring underwriter for the program.

The current composition of PLIC is as follows:

  • Gary Timlick, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D (Chairman): Saskatchewan and Manitoba
  • Philip Foucher, FCPA, FCA: British Columbia and Yukon
  • Hilary Rose, CPA, CA: Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut
  • Ontario (vacant)
  • Quebec (vacant)
  • John Oakey, CPA, CA, TEP, CC: Atlantic Provinces and Bermuda

To contact the PLIC Member for your province/region, mail, fax, or e-mail c/o CPA PLI.

In 1990, PLIC established AICA Services Inc. (Association of Insured Chartered Accountants) to achieve more direct benefits for its members. In 2016, AICA changed its name to CPA Professional Liability Plan Inc. (CPA PLI) to better reflect the unification of the Canadian accounting profession under the CPA banner.

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