CPA Professional Liability Plan Inc.  



The board of directors of CPA PLI is composed of chartered professional accountants and insurance professionals who have an extensive knowledge of professional liability insurance. The current directors are:

Robert Boisjoli, FCPA, FCA, Montreal, QC (Chairman)
Robert (Bob) is a managing director of Atwater Financial Group, a company specializing in healthcare investments and startups. He is a co-founder of AllaiHealth, a digital health company focused on improving patient outcomes for common ailments using digital technologies. He was also the co-founder of a genomics laboratory in Atlanta (AKESOgen) which was sold to Tempus Labs in 2019, and the co-founder of two life science companies which were both sold to public companies in 2008 and 2010 respectively. He is an advisor to various small public companies who operate as exploration companies in the mining industry. Mr. Boisjoli was an investment banker with various Canadian securities' firms. He is also a Board Member of various not-for-profit organizations in the community and within the CPA profession.

Paul S. Jaspar, SVM, FCPA, FCA
Paul is a retired partner of Thomson Jaspar LLP, a full-service CPA firm in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Prior to his private practice, he held managerial positions at Price Waterhouse & Co. and Coopers & Lybrand. Throughout his career, Paul was a professor of accounting and business courses at University of Saskatchewan and at the Banff School of Advanced Management. He also held various volunteer positions serving the community and the CPA profession. Paul was the Chairman of the CPA Professional Liability Insurance Committee and was a CAIA Trustee. Paul's idea of retirement includes being the CFO of Envirotec Services Inc. followed by being President of Magnet Holdings Ltd. He does find time to travel the world and enjoy his homes in Saskatoon and Montana.

Stanley J. Dalrymple, CPA, CA, CAIB
Stan, as the Director of Finance - Atlantic Region and Senior Account Executive of Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Ltd., fully utilizes his accreditations as a Chartered Professional Accountant and a licensed insurance broker. Stan holds extensive work experience in the accounting profession and in the insurance industry. Before his appointment as Director of the CPA Professional Liability Plan Inc, Stan was a member of the Professional Liability Insurance Committee, representing the Atlantic Provinces for a number of years and was the Chair from 2013 to 2017.

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